Jane Thierfeld Brown, EdD, Lorraine E. Wolf, PhD, and G. Ruth Kukiela Bork, MEd
Foreword by Fred Volkmar, MD., and Ami Klin, Ph.D.
Getting admitted to college is often the easy part for students with autism spectrum disorders. Surviving and succeeding can be quite another, as these students transition into a system that is often unprepared to receive them. Accommodating students whose disabilities very likely fall in social and self-regulatory areas is a particular challenge for disability services providers who are not used to reaching out into so many areas of student life.
Based on the authors’ extensive experience, this comprehensive book offers disability services professionals practical strategies for accommodating and supporting students in all phases of college life and beyond. Major chapters address legal issues and academic accommodations; co-curricular needs and accommodations; housing and resident life; faculty issues; other partners on campus such as business affairs, academic affairs, campus police and public safety;employment issues;working with parents,and more. Checklists, forms and other tools help guide and structure the combined efforts to help students succeed.
“Wolf, Brown, and Bork offer a framework fundamentally shifting how we think about Asperger Syndrome. By bringing us into the worlds of college-level students with Asperger Syndrome, they challenge us to think outside the box. Through concrete examples, their clear and insightful presentation teaches us that by broadening and enriching our perspectives, we can broaden and enrich the lives of students with Asperger Syndrome, thereby enabling them to contribute meaningfully to society. Isn’t that what higher education is all about?”
– Jo Anne Simon, attorney and associate professor, Fordham University School of Law
“Whether an institution of higher education provides support through its Office of Disability Services or offers specialized programs to meet the needs of students with Asperger Syndrome, this book will assist in meeting the needs of this academically capable, yet challenging group of students through practical, easy-to-implement ideas and strategies.”
– Susan Kabot, Ed.D., CCC-SLP, director, Mailman Segal Institute, Nova Southeastern University
“An outstanding resource, this comprehensive volume addresses the unique challenges presented by college students with Asperger Syndrome. Practical strategies are found throughout the guide, including sample forms and tools in the extensive appendices. This is a definite ‘must have’ for every college disabilities service provider’s library.”
– Lori S. Shery, founder and president, ASPEN (Asperger Syndrome Education Network)
“This is just what we have been waiting for – a coherent and comprehensive manual for working with students with Asperger Syndrome at the college level. Packed with great ideas for promoting student growth and independence and supplemented with an excellent bibliography and appendix of useful forms and tools, this is truly a much-needed and invaluable resource for anyone interested in increasing the success rate for students with Asperger Syndrome at the college/university level.”
– Ellen H. Korin, M.Ed., author of Asperger Syndrome: An Owner’s Manual – What You, Your Parents and Your Teacher Need to Know and Asperger Syndrome: An Owner’s Manual 2 for Older Adolescents and Adults; consultant, coach, and adjunct faculty, Antioch University New England
“Written by three professionals with extensive experience in the field of student support for individuals with Asperger Syndrome and high-functioning autism, this resource is chock full of practical solutions. Although focused on college personnel, all who support the ever-increasing numbers of students on the autism spectrum now in higher education will find this book invaluable.”
– Stephen M. Shore, Ed.D., assistant professor of education, Adelphi University; internationally known author, consultant, and presenter on issues related to the autism spectrum; member, Board of Directors, the Asperger’s Association of New England and the Autism Society of America
About the Authors
Lorraine Wolf,Ph.D., is director of Disability Services at Boston University, where she also holds faculty appointments in psychiatry and rehabilitation sciences. With over 20 years of experience working with children, adolescents, and adults with neurodevelopmental disorders,Dr.Wolf has published and presented extensively on issues related to students with attention and learning disorders, psychiatric disabilities, and autism spectrum disorders.
Jane Thierfeld Brown, Ed.D., is director of Student Services at the University of Connecticut School of Law. She has worked in Disability Services for 27 years. She consults at many higher education institutions and is a frequent keynote speaker at conferences on Asperger Syndrome.
G.Ruth Kukiela Bork,M.Ed., is dean and director of the Disability Resource Center, Northeastern University. Dean Bork’s professional involvement in disability affairs and advocacy spans 34 years.She is a founding member of the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD). Dean Bork has written and spoken on a wide range of disability-related topics.