CAS provides college counseling, student support, and services for professionals, as well as K-12 schools and agencies.
Our Team
Jane Thierfeld Brown, Ed.D, Dr. Lorraine Wolf, Ph.D., Laurie Ackles, MSW, and Amy Rutherford-Moody, LPC-MHSP has over 90 years of combined experience in disability service provision.
Consulting, counseling, and guest speaker appearances for Jane Thierfeld Brown, Ed.D, Dr. Lorraine Wolf, Ph.D., Laurie Ackles, MSW, and Amy Rutherford-Moody, LPC-MHSP.
Testimonials & Kudos
Testimonials and kudos from satisfied clients and parents who have worked with the team at CAS plus reviews of their books and publications.
Media Center
Videos, presentations, press clippings, news articles, interviews, company media & collateral material.
Books & Publications
Books and publications by the CAS team members.
- Social Behavior and Self-Management: 5-Point Scales for Adolescents and Adults
By Kari Dunn Buron, MS, Jane Thierfeld Brown, EdD, Mitzi Curtis, MA, Lisa King, MEd with Foreword by Stephen Shore, EdD - The Parent’s Guide To College For Students On The Autism Spectrum
By Jane Thierfeld Brown, EdD, Lorraine E. Wolf, PhD, Lisa King, MsEd and G. Ruth Kukiela Bork, MEd with Foreword by Temple Grandin - Students with Asperger Syndrome: A Guide for College Personnel
By Jane Thierfeld Brown, EdD, Lorraine E. Wolf, PhD, and G. Ruth Kukiela Bork, MEd with Foreword by Fred Volkmar, MD., and Ami Klin, Ph.D. - Neurodiversity and College: A Parent’s Guide for Autistic Students
By Jane Thierfeld Brown, EdD, and Lorraine E. Wolf, PhD; with Amy Rutherford-Moody, LPC-MHSP, Lisa King, MEd., and G. Ruth Kukiela Bork, MEd. - The BASICS College Curriculum
(Book One: Independence, Social, and Study Strategies for Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder;
Book Two: Developing Workplace Skills for Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder;
Book Three: Developing Identity, Strengths, and Self-Perception for Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder ;
Book Four: Turning Skills and Strengths into Careers for Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder )
By Amy Rutherford-Moody, LPC-MHSP, Michelle Rigler, EdD, and Emily Quinn
College Programs
Many post-secondary institutions around the country offer training and certification programs as well as individualized and group support services.
Autism Organizations
Listing of national and local organization supporting the autism community.
Contact Us
Contact information for the team at College Autism Spectrum.
Follow us on Facebook @collegeautismspectrum